My Masterclass for The International Cool Climate Wine Symposium (ICCWS). Brock University.

This page details my speaking experience at academic, cultural, and trade events, which includes specialized aroma master classes and workshops. 

Master Classes + Invited Workshops

* = peer reviewed

McBride, M. (2022), Public workshop (Aroma Inquiry), Decipher the Wild Wild World of Aromas with Dr. Melanie McBride, Soif Bar à vinGatineau, QC, September 28 2022 [Invited]. 

McBride, M. (2022), Private Master Class (Aroma Inquiry), Soif Bar à vinGatineau, QC, September 29, 2022 [Invited].

McBride, M. (2022). Aroma inquiries: A DIY Approach to Sourcing and Creating Aromatic Reference Materials for Self-directed Training. Masterclass for The International Cool Climate Wine Symposium (ICCWS). Brock University,  St. Catharines,  July 17-21, 2022. [Invited].

* McBride, M. (2018). Aroma Inquiry workshop for SSHRC Connections Grant, “Shifting ground: Relocating pedagogical innovation from schools to communities,” Responsive Ecologies Lab, Ryerson University in collaboration with York University’s faculty of education. November, 2018.

McBride, M. (2018). An introduction to aroma inquiry. Vintages / LCBO (Liquor Control Board of Ontario), Toronto,Ontario, February 7th, 2018. [Invited].

McBride, M. (2018). Master Class: From the fragrant to the foul: an introduction to aroma inquiry. Independent Wine Education Guild and Canadian Association of Professional Sommeliers (CAPS), Toronto, Ontario, March 1, 2018. [Invited].

McBride, M. (2017). From the fragrant to the foul: an introduction to aroma inquiry. Independent Wine Education Guild and Canadian Association of Professional Sommeliers (CAPS), September 27, 2017. [Invited].

Smell Walking /Mapping + Scent Creation 

McBride, M. (2017). Putting our noses to the ground. Sensing the City: Livable Cities 2nd Annual Symposium. Anvil Centre, Vancouver, British Columbia, April 13, 2017. [Invited].

McBride, M. (2017). “Hidden Curricula of Aroma” for faculty and students of Urawa University (Saitama, Japan) in collaboration with the Responsive Ecologies Lab and Ryerson School of Early Childhood Studies, March 1, 2017. [Invited].

McBride, M. (2016). “Hidden Curricula of Aroma” for faculty and students of Urawa University (Saitama, Japan) in collaboration with the Responsive Ecologies Lab and Ryerson School of Early Childhood Studies, March 3, 2016.[Invited].

[Co-creators] McBride, M. & Droumeva, M.  (2015). Making sense, sensing space: an inter-sensory smell walk & workshop. RE/Lab (Responsive Ecologies Lab), Ryerson University, Nov. 9, 2015.

McBride, M. & Droumeva, M.  (2015). Making sense, sensing space: an inter-sensory smell walk & workshop. RE/Lab (Responsive Ecologies Lab), Ryerson University, Nov. 9, 2015.

Invited research assistant ( Feb 2015). I led a small student group on a smell walk of the Marseille train station for Dr Kate McLean’s “Smellscape Mapping: Marseille / Smellwalks & Smellmapping Workshop,” Marseille, France. 

Academic conferences

* = peer refereed

McBride, M. (2022). Aroma inquiries: A DIY Approach to Sourcing and Creating Aromatic Reference Materials for Self-directed Training. Masterclass for The International Cool Climate Wine Symposium (ICCWS). Brock University,  St. Catharines,  July 17-21, 2022 [Invited].

* De Castell, S., Jenson. J., McBride, M., Nolan, J., & Thumlert, K. (May, 2020). Panel: Missing in action: Ecologies, materialities and modalities, CSSE: Canadian Society for the Study of Education, May 31-June 3, 2020, London, Ontario, Canada. (Accepted: in-person conference was cancelled due to COVID-19). 

* McBride, M. & Jenson, J. (2018). Tasting Literacy: An aroma-centric intervention of traditional modes of sensory learning and communication beyond words. Conference of the Canadian Society for the Study of Education / Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 2018. May 29, 2018, University of Regina, Regina

* McBride, M. Harley, D. Mazalek, A. & Nolan, J. (2016). Beyond vaporware: considerations for meaningful design with smell. In CHI’16 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI’16). ACM, San Jose, CA, USA.

* McBride, M. (2014). Deschooling the Senses: An olfactory intervention. American Educational Studies Association. October 29, Toronto, Ontario.

* McBride, M. (2014). The foul and the fragrant: smells like material culture. New Materialist Methodologies: Gender, Politics, Digital. September 25, Universitat Internacional de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain.

* McBride, M. (2014). The ‘ways’ of smell: Contemplating olfactory gamification in pre-modern Japan. Replaying Japan Again, 2nd International Japan Games Studies Conference. University of Alberta, August 22nd, Edmonton, Alberta.

* McBride, M. (2014). Gaming the Other: Resistance and self-advocacy beyond ‘creepy treehouse’ inclusion. Canadian Game Studies Association (Congress), Brock University, May 28, 2014, Saint Catherines, Ontario.

* McBride, M., & Nolan, J. (2014). Hacking the Senses: Neurodiverse Design and the Autistic Olfactory, Eighth International Conference on Design Principles and Practices. January 16-20, 2014, Vancouver, British Columbia.

*Nolan, J & McBride, M. (2013). (Leave Us) Alone, Together: Networked Sociality & the Autistic Panic. August, 2013, Oxford Internet Institute, Toronto, Ontario. [Invited]

* McBride, M. (2013). Embodied Semiosis: Autistic “Stimming” as Sensory Praxis. June, 2013. American Educational Research Association (AERA). San Francisco, USA.

* McBride, M. (2012). Player v Player: Game-based learning as a site of transdisciplinary struggle. CONGRESS 2012 – Canadian Game Studies Association, Waterloo, Ontario.

*McBride, M. (2012). Gaming Play: Escaping the Creepy Treehouse. TIFF Nexus New Media Literacies Conference, Toronto, Ontario 

McBride, M. (2012). Beyond “Ifications.” University of Toronto, iSchool Colloquium Series, Toronto, Ontario. [Invited].

McBride, M. (2007). New Teachers Speak. National Inner City (EDUCATION) Conference, Toronto, Ontario. [Invited].

Industry talks

McBride, M. (2012). The Anti-Yawn Brigade Says: Gamify it. InPlay: The art and business of kids interactive. Toronto, Ontario. [invited].

McBride, M. Escaping the creepy treehouse. Tiff Nexus: New Media Literacies 2012. Toronto, Ontario. [invited].

McBride, M. (2012). Generation X,Y,Z: Co-viewing and intergenerational play. InPlay: The art and business of kids interactive. Toronto, Ontario. [invited].

McBride, M. (2011). Play or get played: Messing with the digital sandbox. Digifest digital technology conference, Toronto, Ontario. [invited]

McBride, M. (2010). Console Gaming @ Your Library. Toronto Public Library game programming conference. Toronto, Ontario.  [invited].

McBride, M. & Nolan, J. (2010). Crafting a Mindset for Play as Adults. Gamercamp Lv3 (conference), Toronto, Ontario.  [invited]

McBride, M. (2010). The Hero’s Journey: Gamers in the Stacks. TEDx Librarians. Toronto, Ontario.  [invited].

McBride, M. (2010). Play’s the Thing, Gamercamp. Toronto, Ontario. [invited]

Mcbride, M. (2010). Classroom 2.0 and the Creepy Treehouse. Privacy Camp TO – un-conference/camp, Toronto, Ontario.[invited].

McBride, M. (2009). Carefree Highway: Social & Participatory Media Strategies for the Road Ahead. Canada Wide Media social media conference. Vancouver, British Columbia. [invited].

McBride, M. (2009). Beyond blocking: Embracing social media. Canadian Association of Communicators in Education (CACE), Toronto, Ontario. [invited].

McBride, M. (2009). Beyond blocking: Embracing social media. Trillium Lakelands District School board (TLDB) social media conference. Ontario. [invited].

McBride, M. (2008-2009). The sharing revolution. Atlantic Magazines Association Annual Conference (AMA). Halifax, Nova Scotia; Toronto (2008); Vancouver, British Columbia (2008); Edmonton, Alberta, (2008). [invited].

McBride, M. (2007). User is King: Magazines2.0. Magazines Canada’s Web Weekend conferences, Toronto and Vancouver. [invited]. 

McBride, M. (2005). Source + Imagination. FITC (Flash in The Can). Toronto, Ontario. [invited].

Guest speaker

In addition to formal presentations, I have given many talks related to my research for university classes, secondary schools, professional organizations, and community groups.  Please use my contact page for speaking related inquiries.

Melanie McBride